Montgomery Pass Project in Nevada, USA
The Montgomery Pass Claims project is located within the Buena Vista Mining District in southwestern Mineral County, Nevada, USA approximately 161 kilometers west of Tonopah, Nevada and 72.4 kilometers north-northeast of Bishop, California. The project area comprises nine targets bearing characteristics based on geologic setting or mineral occurrence. Each of these areas has been investigated either historically with shallow prospects or underground workings or by modern sampling-geologic mapping- drilling.
A database has been compiled from the previous work on the property comprising over 1200 rock chip samples, 150 soil samples and 98 relatively shallow drill holes combined with geologic mapping of surface and underground workings. Compilation of these historic exploration efforts identified ore grade gold and silver values occurring in surface sampling and shallow, wide-spaced drilling. Five of the eight target areas have had modest drill testing. The resulting compilation of surface, underground and drilling results clearly indicates that further exploration at Montgomery Pass is warranted.
The Project fits Koza Ltd.’s strategy of building a portfolio of early to advanced stage exploration properties with the long-term goal of having a central ore processing plant receiving ore from various satellite projects. Also, Koza Ltd. has recognised the potential for high grade vein style mineralisation within the property.